So I waffled several times about uploading an entire post about it, but anyone who follows me on Twitter or other social media platforms probably knows that I'm doing a little no-buy for makeup this October, but it's not exactly for the reasons you think. Find out why I'm taking a little shopping break in this post...
Read MoreBeing a beauty blogger when you don't feel beautiful
Where have I been lately? Well, I've been having one of those days, well, more like weeks where I just don't feel great. I've been working an awful lot and I haven't had a lot of time to take care of myself, much less to blog, and the only thing I crave at the end of the day is a full night's sleep... which I'm still not getting. Self-care is a luxury I can only dream of right now.
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Beauty Banter: My Biggest Wastes of Money
Earlier this year I missed these amazing posts from Refinery29 where New York City women share the biggest waste of space in their closet and in their beauty regime. It's a breath of fresh air and I'm sure everybody interested in beauty and fashion can relate to this, even in the smallest of ways. I was also inspired to do a sort of 'tell-all' post for some of my biggest wastes of money when it comes to fashion and beauty and would love to hear yours as well! (Reveal your secrets!)
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How I went from loving to loathing Formula X's White Party
In my preparation for the big Sephora spring sale, I fell in love with this Formula X White Party collection of bright, white polishes. Unfortunately, like Antony and Cleopatra, we were not meant to be.
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