I purchased this product & all opinions are my own.
Recently I discovered that one of my biggest posts of all time wasn't what I expected. It wasn't a makeup product or a skincare revew, it wasn't event coverage or a fashion post, it was my review of the Leaders Clinic Mediu Baby Foot Mask. That's right, a FOOT MASK is one of the biggest posts I've ever written on Darling Magpie in almost four years. So that got me thinking, why not kill two birds with one stone and give the people what they want with another foot mask review, while also treating my feet to some pampering? And as it happened, Life Brand's Exfoliating Foot Mask showed up at the perfect time at Shoppers Drug Mart! For $5, let's see how it compares to my hard-to-find Baby Foot fave!
Exfoliating Foot Masks - The Basics
Now, for those who haven't seen or used one of these before, it's basically a wet, gooey gel bootie filled with AHA and salicylic acid, and in this instance, scented like citrus. In some instances the booties are already pre-filled, so all you need to do is snip open the top and wear it like a gooey sock. You keep it on for about twenty minutes and three to seven days your skin will start to exfoliate. Like, your entire foot will start to peel off. Trust me, it's weird but it's so, so satisfying!
What's happening is the AHA and salicylic acid are creating a chemical process to speed up the skins ability to 'shed' dead skin. The skin in your foot is a lot tougher than other areas of your body, but the alcohol in the product acts as another agent that helps the ingredients pass through your skin barrier to work their magic. It doesn't hurt AT ALL, and is kinda awesome if your feet are rough or calloused, or just need some pampering.
How does the Life Brand Foot Mask Compare to Leaders Mediu?
The interior of the Life Brand Exfoliating Foot Mask Package - Two gel packs and one pair of booties.
The Design: Honestly, there were way more similarities between these products than I expected. They both use almost the exact same type of bootie, but the only difference is that the Life Brand one requires you to take the extra step and pour your own gel into your booties, while the Leaders Mediu is already pre-filled for you. It also means the Life Brand one has sliiiightly more packaging overall, but it's 95% essentially the same product design.
The Scent: It's been awhile since I've tried the Leaders Clinic Mediu mask, but I do recall it has a very mentholated scent, and while the Life Brand one doesn't, it instead has a very sharp citrus scent that almost reminded me of a cleaning product. Neither are ideal, so it's just up to your personal preferences here.
Day 3 - The peel begins!
The Result:I have to say, after opening the package and discovering it was the exact same design, I was pretty sure the mask was going to be fairly similar, and I'm glad to say that assumption was correct! I found that after the first two days, not much happened, then on day three I went to a wedding and spent a lot of time on my feet and that night I saw some big patches of dead skin starting to bubble up! By day four to six I was peeling like CRAZY and my skin felt oh-so-soft. By the eighth day my foot was completely brand new with almost no sign of any additional shedding!
One thing I do want to warn people of, which I didn't highlight in my initial review, is about over-pulling. It may feel really good to remove the peeling skin when it's sloughing off, but it's also easy to over-pull and damage the soft skin or the skin that hasn't fully shed yet. So PULL SPARINGLY, it may take up to seven days for the full effect so if any area seems tender, LEAVE IT ALONE. You also may want to avoid strappy sandals once your feet start to peel as it's QUITE obvious that you're shedding like a snake. Otherwise, you should be fine!
You can find the Life Brand Exfoliating Foot Mask at Shoppers Drug Mart, and it cost $5 or 2 for $8! Moving forward, I'm totally going to stock up on more of them because they are WAY easier to find than the Leaders Mediu ones!
Have you tried a foot mask? Which is your favourite?