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The Shoebox Project

The Shoebox Project

The countdown is on to Christmas, how is your holiday shopping going?

If you're like me, you've probably been shopping and putting away presents for a few months (only since September! I'm not a super-keener!) but have you been planning on any charity?

Even thoughout my debt repayment (Read all about that on Househippo!) I tried to prioritize charity every month, even if it was just volunteering. This year I found an organization that captures two interests of mine: charitable giving and beauty products!

Shoebox Project Logo

Meet the Shoebox Project, a national organization that collects and distributes gift boxes to women in shelters, women often escaping violent situations at home, women with children, women suffering from addictions, poverty or just down on their luck. Whatever the situation, they deserve some cheer this holiday.

The boxes come to a value of $50 and you're encouraged to put beauty products like nail polish, body wash and hand lotion, small treats like chocolate bars, gift cards for Tim Hortons or Shoppers Drug Mart and toasty warm socks or hats, etc. Stuff that is appropriate for the season and stylish too. Here's their list of recommended products.

As a beauty blogger and addict, I had a lot of unused items to choose from. I tried to pick a variety of stylish products and cozy goods to spread a little cheer. But I filled two boxes up rather quickly and I'm working on my third! I found that it was really easy for me to put a box together and I'm sure you'll be able to do it too.

There are drop off organizations all over the country, visit the website and find your closest drop-off location, or become one yourself! There's so many ways to get involved this season and to spread a little joy to another person.

If you do participate in the Shoebox Project, please let me know so I can share on a future post about how many we've put together!

(Images from The Shoebox Project)