Pink hair, absolutely care!
For those who have followed my blogging adventures for awhile, or know me IRL, for the last 2 years I've had a lot of fun adventures with my hair. I've done a side shave! A pixie cut! Dyed my hair fuschia! Violet! Orange! Pastel Peach! Pastel Purple! Smoky purple! You name it, I've tried it out. (I know, there's a lot of stuff I haven't done, but I've only been experimenting for 2 years ok? Give me time!)
Now, my latest adventure? COLOUR MELTS! Why have just pink and coral when you could have BOTH.
I've been trying to grow my hair out since my last chop in May, to something still short, still just above the shoulder, but with a little wave, a little volume. And to complement my wavier short hair, I think eye-catching, vibrabt colours are a PERFECT in-betweener while I let my hair get an extra inch or two long before wedding season begins. I have 3 big weddings from June to September, so I want to be READY! What colour will I be then? NO ONE KNOWS! (Really, I have no idea yet.)
Thanks to Lindzie (lalalindzie on Instagram) at Harlot's Salon on Queen West in Toronto, I was able to take my hair to the next level this month. I had a goal to dye my hair SOMETHING different this month, and until I saw the super bright, moody and fabulous colours on her Instagram, I wasn't sure what to do. But she showed me the wayyyyyy.
I'm still getting used to the colour, and my lewks so far have been on the safer/pink/purpley side of things, but I imagine I'll do more branching out with new makeup colours soon!
The best part so far? Pink hair makes for amazing Snapchat pics! (Here's featuring the lovely Katlyn!)
Have you ever dyed your hair a crazy colour? What's a look you're dying to try (haha, get it, DYE-ING?)