Last week I came home from work EXHAUSTED by my 13 hour day and was looking foward to watching some TV and kicking back with a beer. What I wasn't expecting was to receive something in the mail that gave me an Abba flashback...
But it turns out that Influenster had other plans for me, and they sent two packages of Broadway Nails imPRESS manicure for me to sample. So let's get to it!
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It's the most wonderful time of the year! It's time for the Elle Beauty Box, a fantastic freebie that Elle offers to its email newsletter subscribers every few months. This is the second box they've offered, and since all you have to do is be a member of their newsletter. it's a tiny price to pay for all the goodies.
Here's the Spring 2014 offerings!
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For the past 10 years I've been a loud, proud BzzAgent and over the years I've received all kinds of things from books, to Burt's Bees products, lots of coffee (they know me so well) and more.
This month I received a free sample of Herbal Essences Naked Volume Shampoo, Conditioner and Souffle, and here's what I thought...
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Promises, promises, promises. The challenge with writing a blog are all the promises you make to yourself (and your readers) over the course of a week. I 'promise' to make at least a post a week, I 'promise' to get reviews finished within a reasonable amount of time and I 'promise' to leave no stone unturned!
Well, obviously once you read this list, a few of those promises are made to be broken. But this is my promise to you, by hell or high water I will finish the blog posts listed below... eventually ;)
Does spring cleaning include cleaning out a pile of draft posts?
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