Over the last month and a half I've made it my personal mission to finish half-bottles of products that are sitting around my home. From hand lotion to shampoo, body wash to bubble bath, you name it, I've been trying to finish it! I've been more successful with some products than others so next month you'll see some really and truly OLD products in my empties. But the sooner I finish these old ones, the sooner I can get some new ones!
Read MoreMy First Skincare Detox Week!
Not to brag, but I'm one of those girls who rarely had a pimple growing up in high school.... That is, until this winter and the never-ending snowpocalypse... my skin is definitely feeling it. It's alternating from dry and flaky, to oily and covered in whiteheads, I was finding a new one every single day! Something had to be done.
Read MoreJulep Bombshell Intro Box & February 2014 Bombshell Box
Beauty Box Five - February 2014
Beauty Box Five is a new subscription for me. I chose it based on the opinions of friends and coworkers when I was comparing Ipsy, TopBox and Birchbox. The consensus is that while BB5 definitely favours drug-store and less high-end products, the boxes are ALWAYS worth the price, they DON'T send wrinkle cream/anti-aging nonsense, and they send the kind of products that are practical and everybody will use.
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